Friday, 18 September 2009

well,thats my classroom work done.just got to get my trip to the rockies now,which hopefully is monday.if im lucky,i might get my own truck when i get back from that...
really enjoying it at the mo,hotel is great,and the drivers,new and those that have been here for awhile,are ok two.had a laugh with to see mike before he left for pastures new.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

mentor trip

had my first mentor trip on tuesday,with a guy called adi.we were going to washington.
adi and his wife picked me up tuesday morning,then over to h&r to pick up the load.after fuelling up,we set off.adi broke me in gently,then started telling about everything,my head was knackered.
on the way out and passing through different places,adi had some interesting info.i told him he was wasted as a truck driver,he should be a history teacher.
we reached the border,and we had to go inside to see the nice gentleman(with the gun).i had to get an i94,because i was a naughty boy in my youth.after about half an hour of him asking me a few questions,paid my $6 and got the piece of paper.
anyway,we got to costco in sumner,tipped pretty quick,then got a call to go to california for two these done,juggled the pallets round,weighed off,just under.then we set off back to lethbridge,we went through some places that ive only seen on tv.we went past,seattle,portland,sacremento,fresno,los angeles,las vegas(which was fantastic),utah,idaho,montana.i also seen the mojave dessert,yellowstone,and drove the grand canyon,but it was bloody dark and couldnt see anything.
we got back late friday night and did nearly 3000 miles,not bad for four days,eh!
i really enjoyed the trip.there was a hell of a lot of stuff to take in,adi explained everything very well,and he made the trip more enjoyable.
got one more trip to do now,thats over the rock,once ive got that done,its three days class room,then hopefully get my own truck,and start earning some money.fingers crossed.
there is a few pics that i took,not as many as i should have took.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

thought i was going out this morning on my first mentor trip,but it wasnt to be.due to it being a bank holiday,its been put back until tuesday.cant complain cos i love this hotel.
so im really looking forward to tuesday,as i just want to get my mentor trips out of the way.then there is another three day course to do,then hopefully i get my truck and start putting in the mileage.
went to watch the light up of the bridge last night,as it was its 100th anniversary,and to say i was dissappointed would be an understatement.i was expecting the whole bridge to be in bright lights,maybe a few,there were lights at the bottom of the bridge.they reminded me of the lights i have round my fish pond in the uk.glad i wont be here for the next centenary.i have got some pics of it,ill have to look at them to see if its worth putting them on

Thursday, 3 September 2009

thursday 3rd sep

i woke up at about 4.30.didnt sleep that good.too much thinking about the test today.
went out for my drive,on the way round my instructor says that i wont be tested a way i was glad,because i felt shit,lack of sleep and nervous as hell,but in another way,i wanted to get it out of the we get back to the yard and i start my pre trip.the instructor says "have you got your passport with you",no i reply.then im thinking,why does he want my passport.then all of a sudden,it hit me like a steam train,fluuffing hell,im going to get tested afterall.
anyway,start my test,the examiner was great by the way.really laid back and did his best to get you bloody late for that,i had a knots in my stomach,and felt sick.did all that i was supposed to,did the drive as best i could,but screwed up the odd time with the musical back to the yard,and he said the magic words,I AM ISSUEING YOU YOUR LICENSE.........
now im chuffed to bits.hope ill sleep tonight now.only a couple of classroom day to do,then on the road......

wednesday 2nd sep

well it was another day driver training.i wasnt having too good a day,the gearbox just wouldnt behave itself.i was making a few tunes on it.i started my pre-trip(walk round checks,to the old asda drivers).after ten minutes it felt like someone was stood over me pouring water over my head.bloody sweat was dripping off me.finished that and got in the cab,no bleeding wonder i was dripping,outside temp read 37 degrees.
after i had finished my part,the instructor said i would be on test tomorrow.great i said,not!!!!!hope i can sleep when i get to bed.i hate tests!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

still signs of snow,in summer
bloody long way down
wow,what a view.the mountains aint bad either!
the place is called red rock.dont know why!
according to the plaque,the sea level was above this
aw,look,a cuddly black bear.NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
the long road home.cant believe these roads are as long as they are
long road
flash git
they will let anyone in here!
little lake

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


had a drive out to the rockies on sunday.never knew what to expect,but i was gob-smacked.
even the drive over there was different.ive been here almost two weeks and still cant get over how long and straight the roads are.
the sight of the rocky mountains even from a distance,is something else.
we went into waterton national park,its chuffin massive.
we had a good few hours walking round taking in the sights and the history of it.wild animals just walk round as if its normal,well i suppose it is for them.we just dont expect it.
i suppose the highlight of the day was seeing a black bear.we were driving back and wondered why all the cars had parked at the side of the road,so we thought we would do the same,and there it was,on the other side of the lake.magnificent.then it decided it was going to go for a swim,TOWARDS got out on the banking,and people were still out of the cars taking they not realise that this is a wild bear,who probably likes to maul people.anyway it didnt come right up the bank,it just wondered through the bushes.
definately a place i will be going again when jan comes over.
i have taken a lot of pictures.i will get them on as soon as i can
on another note,the training is going well,we are now in the truck, a long weekend coming,so im hoping we get the test next week.